Why Sales Funnels Are Crucial For Growth

and much, much more.

Welcome to the D2C Funnel Newsletter. It’s Jacob from Shivook.

Before you read, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter. I post daily content on landing page, CRO, and direct response strategies to help e-com owners like yourself grow their businesses.

In today’s newsletter, we will go over

  • Landing page idea of the week

  • Links to a bunch of good resources

  • Deep Dive into how and why sales funnels are effective

And more…

Landing Page Idea of the Week

As you all may know, dedicated landing pages are extremely valuable for brands to improve their conversion rate by testing different headlines, imagery, layouts, and angles all together.

But in my opinion, the greatest opportunity that comes with dedicated landing pages and sales funnels is the ability to test varying offers and pricing strategies.

This can be risky, but as they say, fortune favors the bold.

Let’s dive into one of the pricing strategies worth experimenting with: Price anchoring.  

Price anchoring, if done correctly, can be an amazing strategy to drive your AOV and in turn help you scale your brand as a whole.

As you can see in the example above, the middle option is set at the same price as the high value option, and so customers perceive that they’re missing out on a great deal if they opt into the first or second options. Therefore, most will opt into the third option.

This is just one example of how you could go about price anchoring. Price anchoring, in general, involves introducing a reference point, known as the "anchor," to control customers' perception of value for the other available options.

Leveraging perceived value is critical to scaling in e-com and this is just one of the many many ways to do so.

Subscribe to My YouTube Channel for Weekly Landing Page and CRO Strategy Videos. No Fluff, Just Value.

In my YouTube channel I go over specific strategies I’ve used with 100+ e-com brands and exactly how you can implement these strategies yourself. These YouTube videos are better than most courses, just saying.

Deep Dive

I am a firm believer that sales funnels, CRO, and using dedicated landing pages are crucial to succeed and grow in e-com. Many people overlook the subject as a whole because they think it’s all just testing different headlines and using different product descriptions. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Lets talk specifics. Skin care for example:

Skin care is one of the largest industries in e-commerce because it can solve extremely common problems that many people agonize over - acne, wrinkles, redness, etc.

People dealing with these problems would often do anything in their power to fix them which is why skincare brands are hugely successful. Their job isn’t to sell “Intensive Cellular Rejuvenation Complex with Epidermal Renewal Enhancers” to people who search this up - it’s to find the people that have a problem, wrinkles for example, and offer them the perfect solution: Anti-wrinkle cream (or whatever they may call it).

They educate you about the problem, empathize with your situation, and conveniently offer the exact solution you're seeking - with some sort of limited time offer.

And of course all credit can’t be given to funnels and landing pages. Ads and commercials play a crucial role. They grab attention, create desire, and drive action.

But sales funnels have the ability control and monitor the customer journey every step of the way which is paramount. The endless opportunities for improvement can truly fuel growth in your store.


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